This dynamic investment house helps digitally-driven companies maximise their growth potential. The audience is diverse, smart and time poor. So to increase brand salience amongst the target audience, they needed something special.


Our insight pointed to entrepreneurs being most motivated by the learnings of successful leaders of ex-start-ups. In short “if I can learn from anyone it's going to be from someone who has done this before”. So a number of successful entrepreneurs were interviewed and the knowledge and the insights derived collated into powerful stories.


Increase brand salience with global entrepreneurs

Receive and engage with insightful content from global peers

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Total visits


Session duration


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Weaving knowledge into the fabric of the site

Candyspace designed and built the global site which would utilise that newly-acquired knowledge, and shop-window Eight Roads’ modern, personable brand.

Bringing the powerful content to life in a way that was super-relevant for this money-rich, time-poor audience was our focus. The UI design was driven by an understanding that a clean, magazine-feel would resonate the quality values of the brand and be engaging. Data was at the heart of the stories and of the learnings so scrolling animation brings data visualisation to the fore, in easily digestible images and graphs.

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Value anytime anywhere

Optimisation across a broad spectrum of devices challenged the product design team to deliver maximum consistency, and ensure maximum engagement on the move on mobile.

Within the first two weeks of the site going live it had 2,846 total visits, an average session duration of 1 min 58 seconds and a 1% bounce rate.

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