How we used growth driven design to deliver value for readers, and revenue for the business
The global publisher’s revenue growth is all about readers and the media dollar. So how to up page views, increase onsite dwell time to reduce bounce rate, and encourage onsite reader exploration - and in turn drive media value by enabling a more premium ad offering? Our first finding - a fundamental contradiction - the readers didn’t like the ads, but growth in ad revenue was our goal for the business.
A complex design challenge, but with clear, focused growth driven design methodology and by turning customer insights into actions we were able to provide valuable solutions.
Turn site visits into increased revenue
Clarification through simplification - Reducing ad confusion
Reducing friction and circulation
Increased circulation
Growth driven through design
Deploying our unique sweetspot formula Candyspace’s approach was, as always, based on the alignment of customer priorities and business requirements. Our tried and tested UX methodology, interviewing both stakeholders and readers to define hypotheses enabled rapid iteration and validation through lo-fi prototypes.
These prototypes were tested and validated with both existing and prospective HELLO! readers, and developed at speed to create an intuitive, growth focused digital design system.
Bringing value to the business
Our unique growth driven design process, UX intelligence and data driven strategic insights defined the backlog for swift agile sprints focusing specifically on key user journeys; providing branded content templates to optimise the design and user journey across business-critical onsite pages. Our revised content strategy was a key driver for revenue growth.
This focus on alignment of reader expectation and the business need, defining the sweetspot led to maximised page views, providing opportunity for readers to move between articles, increased dwell time and scroll depth and by doing so increased media value. The result: satisfaction for readers and real value to the business.